Warwick University – Inner Child

I was blown away by an enthusiastic group of students at Warwick University. I remember leaving the event thinking they have given me more than I could have ever imagined. I was energised by the conversations and there is such a powerful shift when people open their hearts to one another.

I shared some insights from the book ‘Homecoming’ by John Bradshaw. How the impressions we carry from our childhood could still be holding us back. We completed a simple exercise where we described our childhood in three words. Sounds simple but the revelations can be vast.

From one conversation we identified how the need to control every aspect of their life was in fact an impression from childhood. Unfortunately, there caretaker had let them down and now to avoid being hurt again they prefer to control everything they possibly can.

There are seven days a week and someday is not one of them. So if you are reading this page write down three words to describe your childhood right now. Hopefully you will feel inspired to communicate your findings with a loved one.

‘The impressions of Childhood are never obliterated’ – Frances Xavier Cabrini  

Ricky Gopal